Monday 9 March 2020

Travel Essentials: A Starter Kit for Beginners

Travelling, be it local or outside the country is so timely. Some do it to escape the busy and draining adulting life. There are those who just wanted to shut down the static sound of the city that never sleeps.

But, c'mon! Lets be honest here. Most of us are just doing this FOR THE GRAM. Right?

I am with you. I feel you. So! Let me help you have that IG-worthy pica :)

These are the MUST HAVES when you travel. Be it alone or in groups.


Off course its on top of the list. HAHAHA!.

Regardless of the reasons why we're travelling, we should also bear in mind the memories that we shared. Yes, I know. The best memories will always be remained uncaptured. But hey! You don't want to just imagine those precious moments in your mind, aren't you? Atleast you can have something to scan and show to your grand kids in future while sitting on a rocking chair. Right?


You know what they say; "Money can't buy happiness". How about vacation?
TRAVEL TIP: When travelling abroad, always convert your cash to US Dollars. You're welcome ;)


Unless you have someone whose point of view is the same as you; then this item can be omitted.
But believe me, Honey. If you wanted to be satisfied with the outcome of your photos. GO BRING A TRIPOD!!!


You travel so you can relax. Unwind. To just live a certain amount of time stress free and worry free. So if you wanted to travel and capture those memories until you throw your tired body in bed at night; a power bank or extra battery is A MUST :)
PS: make sure they're all fully charged. OK?


  • HAT
  • BAG
  • BELT
Name it all. Just have something to wear or hold so your photos aren't boring and the identical :)


Some of us are fond of having day tours. We travel four or five tourist attractions all at the same day.
Try to bring two outfits that can be mix and match. Assign an outfit to every place that you'll be visiting and change your outfit for another one. This seems to be a lot of job to do, but hey! You'll thank me later when you see your photos. It looks like you had a five days getaway when actually you just had a 24 hour vacation.
Side Note: Bear in mind the aesthetics when choosing your outfits. You're welcome :)

Some of you might not agree but for me, plotting, planning and setting everything before your trip can be less stressful.


Whats the use of all the stuff mentioned above if you won't enjoy the ride? Savour the moment. Live the day. ENJOY :)


I wanted to be a Nurse. I studied hard to be a Nurse. I have friends whose dream is to be a NURSE. But I pursued Pharmacy.

Wearing my white duty uniform, I survived 3rd year :)

Summer of 2009, i prepared all my documents needed for all the admission tests that I applied for. After passing the Nursing Admission Exam of West Visayas State University, I took another exam from University of San Agustin a week after. I was about to pass my requirements for another admission exam at Central Philippine University College of Nursing when my result from University of San Agustin College of Pharmacy arrived. I PASSED the exams and the rest is history.

Pharmacy Class of 2013

 I ALMOST didn't make it; I ALMOST fell off the cliff. But God reminded me of the barricade that He made for me to get back on the road safe. Thank you Lord... 
Hey! I'm one of the 128 aspirants who survived! :) 

After i passed the boards, by the grace of God, I was able to land a job as Registered Pharmacist of South Star Drug Inc. From there I learned and gained a lot of lessons that no classroom could ever taught. 
While everyone's busy taking shaky selfies with John Lloyd; here i am wearing my white coat having a moment :) PPHA SUMMIT in Palawan
Through this job, I felt the sense of fulfillment. I'm happy when I get to talk to patients and help them with their needs. I counsel them, and teach them about their medications. Believe me! I felt like I saved a life by just giving ASCORBIC ACID to a customer.
From there, I somehow decipher what my heart wants.
Galvan Pharamcy: NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOU!
Two years and five months passed by and I started to get that hunger to start a business of my own. Manage my own. Run my own Pharmacy.

June 28,2018. With the help of my family and friends; one of my dreams became real before my eyes.  Now we are on our way to our 2nd year of serving the public.I'm happy.  I'm happy I chose to be a Pharmacist :)